
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
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Journal Article
Turner DP, Ritts WD, Yang Z., Kennedy RE, Cohen WB, Duane MV, Thornton P.E., Law B.E..  2011.  Decadal trends in net ecosystem production and net ecosystem carbon balance for a regional socioecological system. Forest Ecology and Management. 262:1318-1325.
Turner DP, Ritts WD, Styles J.M., Yang Z., Cohen WB, Law B.E., Thornton P.E..  2006.  A diagnostic carbon flux model to monitor the effects of disturbance and interannual variation in climate on regional NEP. Tellus. 58B:476-490.
Law B.E., Turner DP, Campbell J, Sun O.J., Van Tuyl S., Ritts WD, Cohen WB.  2004.  Disturbance and climate effects on carbon stocks and fluxes across Western Oregon USA. Global Change Biology. 10:1429-1444.
Meigs GW, Turner DP, Ritts WD, Yang Z., Law B.E..  2011.  Landscape-Scale Simulation of Heterogeneous Fire Effects on Pyrogenic Carbon Emissions, Tree Mortality, and Net Ecosystem Production. Ecosystems. 14(5):758-775.
Turner DP, Guzy M., Lefsky M.A., Ritts WD, Van Tuyl S., Law B.E..  2004.  Monitoring forest carbon sequestration with remote sensing and carbon cycle modeling. Environmental Management. 33(4):457-466.
Turner DP, Ritts WD, Law B.E., Cohen WB, Yang Z., Hudiburg T.W., Campbell J, Duane MV.  2007.  Scaling net ecosystem production and net biome production over a heterogeneous region in the western United States. Biogeosciences. 4:597-612.
Turner DP, Ritts WD, Cohen WB, Maeirsperger T.K., Gower S.T., Kirschbaum A.A, Running S., Zhao M., Wofsy S, Dunn A.L. et al..  2005.  Site-level evaluation of satellite-based global terrestrial gross primary production and net primary production monitoring. Global Change Biology. 11:666-684.