College of Forestry


Assessing net ecosystem carbon exchange of US terrestrial ecosystems by integrating eddy covariance flux measurements and satellite observations


Xiao J, Zhuang Q, Law BE, Baldocchi DD, Chen J, Richardson AD, Melillo JM, Davis KJ, Hollinger DY, Wharton S et al.. 2011.  Assessing net ecosystem carbon exchange of US terrestrial ecosystems by integrating eddy covariance flux measurements and satellite observations. Agric. For. Meteorol.. 151:60-69.

Year of Publication
Authors Full List
J Xiao; Q Zhuang; BE Law; DD Baldocchi; J Chen; AD Richardson; JM Melillo; KJ Davis; DY Hollinger; S Wharton; R Oren; A Noormets; M Fischer; S Verma; DR Cook; G Sun; S McNulty; S Wofsy; P Bolstad; SP Burns; P Curtis; B Drake; M Falk; DR Foster; L Gu; JL Hadley; G Katul; M Litvak; S Ma; TA Martin; R Matamala; T Meyers; R Monson; JW Munger; W Oechel; KT Paw; HP Schmid; RL Scott; G Starr; AE Suyker; M Torn
Type of Publication
Journal Article
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