College of Forestry


Energy balance closure at FLUXNET sites


Wilson K, Goldstein AH, Falge E, Aubinet M, Baldocchi DD, Berbigier P, Bernhofer C, Ceulemans R, Dolman H, Field C et al.. 2002.  Energy balance closure at FLUXNET sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 113:223-243.

Year of Publication
Authors Full List
K Wilson; AH Goldstein; E Falge; M Aubinet; DD Baldocchi; P Berbigier; C Bernhofer; R Ceulemans; H Dolman; C Field; A Grelle; A Ibrom; BE Law; A Kowalski; T Meyers; J Moncrieff; R Monson; W Oechel; J Tenhunen; R Valentini; S Verma
Type of Publication
Journal Article
Citation Key