John Campbell, 2004-2006
John studied carbon dynamics of pine forests, with emphasis on the effects of fire.
W. Stephen Chan, 2011-2013
Stephen worked for the AmeriFlux QA/QC Lab at OSU and followed the AmeriFlux QA/QC Lab to Lawrence Berkley National Lab.
Kent Davis, 2006-2012
Kent maintained the Terra-PNW research site network for six years, and is now working in the Wood Sciences Department at OSU.
Uli Falk, 2003-2004
Uli worked with the QA/QC group, and is now a senior researcher at the University of Bonn.
Mathias Goeckede, 2005-2011
Mathias was our carbon modeler for many years.
Ajit Govind, 2008-2009
Ajit worked with the QA/QC group, and now has a position at the National Agricultural Research Institute (INRA) in Bordeaux, France.
Christoph Thomas, 2005-2009
Christoph worked with the AmeriFlux QA/QC group and then became Assistant Professor here at OSU.
Kathy Hibbard, 2002-2004
Kathy is an expert on remote sensing and now works at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
James Irvine, 1998-2005
James studies carbon fluxes and pools, and is now working with the Yellowstone Ecological Research Center in Montana.
James Kathilankal, 2008-2011
James worked with the QA/QC group, and is now an eddy covariance engineer with Li-Cor BioSciences.
Robert Kennedy, 2004-2005
Robert is an expert in remote sensing and is now an assistant professor at Oregon State University.
Youngil Kim
Hongyan Luo, 2008-2010
Hongyan worked with the QA/QC group, and is now a biometeorologist with the NEON research group.
Jonathan Martin, 2005-2012
Jon worked as a post-doc studying soil respiration, and is now teaching ecology at Northland College in Wisconsin.
Tom O'Halloran, 2007-2011
Tom worked with us as an aerosol modeler and is now an Assistant Professor of Environmental Science at Sweet Briar College in Virginia.
J. Cory Pettijohn, 2007-2011
Cory worked modeled sapflow and tree responses to changing climate conditions.
Paul Schwarz, 2002-2003
Paul is an expert in modeling and is now the vice president of sustainability research at Hansa-GCR in Portland.
Julie Styles, 2002-2006
Julie modeled plant-atmosphere interactions and has returned to her native Australia.
Osbert Sun, 2001-2003
Osbert is now professor and director of the Institute of Forestry & Climate Change Research in Beijing.
Matt Trappe, 2009-2012
Matt was instrumental in the design, construction, and maintenance of our research sites, and is now working as an environmental consultant.
Dean Vickers, 2003-2013
Dean used scientific programming and data analysis to support the atmospheric sciences at OSU.
Yueyang Jiang
Matthew Jones
Hyojung Kwon
Polly Buotte
Brittany Johnson
Xiaoliang Lu
Zhenlin Yang