College of Forestry


Improving the performance of remote sensing models for capturing intra- and inter-annual variations in daily GPP: An analysis using global FLUXNET tower data


Verma M, Friedl M, Law BE, Bonal D, Kiely G, Black TA, Wohlfahrt G, Moors EJ, Montagnani L, Marcolla B et al.. 2015.  Improving the performance of remote sensing models for capturing intra- and inter-annual variations in daily GPP: An analysis using global FLUXNET tower data. Agric. For. Meteorol. 214-215:416-429.

Year of Publication
Authors Full List
M Verma; M Friedl; BE Law; D Bonal; G Kiely; TA Black; G Wohlfahrt; EJ Moors; L Montagnani; B Marcolla; P Toscano; A Varlagin; O Roupsard; A Cescatti; MA Arain; P D'Odorico
Type of Publication
Journal Article
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