College of Forestry



OSU study: Carbon benefits in forest management change

A team of scientists — led by Beverly Law, a professor in the College of Forestry at OSU; Tara Hudiburg, an assistant professor in U of I’s Department of Forest, Rangeland and Fire Sciences in the College of Natural Resources; and U of I postdoctoral researcher Jeffrey Kent — analyzed how different forest management strategies in Oregon altered the annual net amount of carbon stored in the state’s forests and net carbon emissions entering the atmosphere.

A warmer future for the Pacific Northwest if carbon dioxide levels rise, climate projections show

“From a regional perspective, the differences in projected future changes are minor when you look at how much each projection says climate will change for the business-as-usual scenario,” said Yueyang Jiang, lead author and a postdoctoral scientist at OSU. “The climate projections were created using different downscaling methods, but the projected changes in climate among them are similar at the regional scale.”