College of Forestry


Former Faculty

Andres Schmidt
As an environmental scientist with a background in physical geography and physics my research focuses on the atmospheric exchange of carbon, water, and energy of ecosystems. A major dimension of this work is to understand how these exchanges respond to disturbances such as droughts, fires, and anthropogenic interventions and, most importantly, a changing climate. I apply models to explore atmospheric dynamics and carbon cycle processes. The models include the Weather Research and Forecast model (WRF), a Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport model (STILT), the Community land model (CLM) as well as neural network models.  I am currently a professor at RWTH Andres's website



David Turner
Forest nutrient cycling, spatially-distributed ecosystem models, application of satellite remote sensing to vegetation analysis. David's website.





  • Warren Cohen
  • Thomas Hilker