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Journal Article
Donato D.C., Fontaine J.B., Robinson W.D., Kauffman J.B., Law B.E..  2008.  Vegetation response to a short interval between high-severity wildfires in a mixed-evergreen forest. Journal of Ecology.
Donato D.C., Campbell J, Fontaine J.B., Law B.E..  2009.  Quantifying char in postfire woody detritus inventories. Fire Ecology. 5(2):104-115.
Donato D.C., Fontaine J.B., Campbell J, Robinson W.D., Kauffman J.B., Law B.E..  2006.  Post-wildfire logging hinders regeneration and increases fire risk. Science. 311
Halofsky JE, Donato D.C., Hibbs DE, Campbell J, Donaghy Cannon M, Fontaine J.B., Thompson JR, Anthony RG, Bormann BT, Kayes LJ et al..  2011.  Mixed-severity fire regimes: Lessons and hypotheses from the Klamath-Siskiyou ecoregion. Ecosphere. 2(4):art40.
Donato D.C., Fontaine J.B., Kauffman J.B., Robinson W.D., Law B.E..  2013.  Fuel mass and forest structure following stand-replacement fire and post-fire logging in a mixed-evergreen forest. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 22(5):652-666.
Fontaine J.B., Donato D.C., Campbell J, Martin J.G., Law B.E..  2010.  Effects of post-fire logging on forest surface air temperatures in the Siskiyou Mountains, Oregon, USA. Journal of Forestry. 83:477-482.
Donato D.C., Fontaine J.B., Campbell J, Robinson W.D., Kauffman J.B., Law B.E..  2009.  Conifer regeneration in stand-replacement portions of a large mixed-severity wildfire in the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 39:823-838.
Fontaine J.B., Donato D.C., Robinson W.D., Law B.E., Kauffman J.B..  2009.  Bird communities following high-severity fire: Response to single and repeat fires in a mixed-evergreen forest, Oregon, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 257:1496-1504.