College of Forestry


Visiting Scientists

Giorgio Alberti (April 2005 - October 2005)

Giorgio was a Ph.D. student from Udine University in Italy where he had been researching the influence of forest secondary successions on carbon stocks and fluxes in Eastern Alps. He was a visiting scholar at the Terra-PNW lab in the OSU Department of Forest Science. He contributed to the ORCA project by studying the influence of disturbances (thinning and underburning) on carbon stocks and soil respiration in some Ponderosa pine plantations in Northern California.



Sebastiaan Luyssaert (September 2006 - September 2007)

Sebastiaan was a visiting post-doctoral researcher for the Research Foundation - Flanders and affiliated with the University of Antwerp in Belgium. He contributed to several synthesis projects examining net carbon exchange in forests across the globe using Ameriflux and Fluxnet datasets.





Angelo Nolè (August 2004 - September 2005)

Angelo was a Ph.D. student from the Crop systems, Forestry and Environmental Science department at University of Basilicata in Potenza, Italy. His thesis was on the evaluation of carbon sequestration in Italian ecosystems using the 3PGS Model.

As a visiting scholar in the Terra-PNW lab, he worked on modeling the effect of the recent forest fires on NEP in western Oregon. In particular, he worked on the spatial mapping of actual NEP compared to before the fire and running scenarios of potential future effects of fire on NEP given the change in vegetation and LAI with climate.



Nadine Ruehr (April 2010 - February 2012)

Nadine worked with us on her post-doctoral project after graduating from ETH Zurich, Switzerland in 2009. Her research while here focused on the effects of carbon and water fluxes from both limiting and increasing water availablity to young ponderosa pines.