Silverton CO2 Observation Site (OSI)

Looking down through the tower at 269 meters
Latitude: 44.9986
Longitude: -122.695
351 masl
Intake Heights: 
31, 51, 121, and 269 meters above ground
Gases Measured: 

CO2, CO, H2O


The Silverton CO2/CO monitoring site is on a 269m tower located at the eastern edge of Oregon’s Willamette Valley. The site came online in June 2012. It is located east of the town of Silverton in Oregon's central Willamette Valley. Gas analysis is performed with a Picarro 2302 Cavity Ringdown Spectrometer, and the tower is also equipped with a set of meteorological instruments, including an HMP sensor, a radiation sensors, and an anemometer.

CO2/CO/H2O data are submitted to NOAA's Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network Observation Package (OSI), which contains hourly data for regional and global modelling of greenhouse gases and their sources and sinks.

Before the Waldo Hills area was extensively farmed (ca. 1851), the hill-tops were upland prairie and oak savanna while the canyons were conifer forest and riparian trees/shrubs (ash, alder, maple, willow).  Vetch (Vicia spp.) is the ground cover immediately surrounding the tower.  Other crops on the hill are typically a rotation of flowers grown for seed; examples over the past five years inclue: Cosmos, Daisy, Larkspur, Lupine, and Pea.


Meteorological instrumentation:
Sensor Variables Height [m a.g.l.]
Vaisala HMP 45 Air Temperature, Relative Humidity 30
RM Young Wind Monitor
Model 05103L
Wind speed, Wind direction 30
Kipp & Zonen PQS 1 Incoming PAR 5
Campbell CSAT3 3D wind and sonic temperature 5
Druck RPT410F-3143 Air pressure ground level